We are a team of developers, committed to deliver Software Development and Design services with excellence and to cater to the diversified nature & culture of growing internet and traditional businesses.
• Define your business’ overall mission/objective first – your digital marketing mission must fit into your grand plan.
•Answer this question: what is the overriding objective you want your digital marketing efforts to achieve (for example do you want to position your company as the go-to online provider for computer parts in India)? This is your mission.
Digital marketing strategy
A digital marketing strategy is a channel strategy which means that it should...
• Be informed by research into customer channel behaviour and marketplace activity = intermediaries, publishers and competitors
• Based on objectives for future online and offline channel contribution %
• Define and communicate the differentials of the channel to encourage customers to use it,
• BUT, need to manage channel integration
So put another way, digital marketing strategy defines how companies should:
• Hit our channel leads & sales targets
• Budgets for Acquisition, Conversion, Retention & Growth, Service
• Communicate benefits of using this channel enhance brand
• Prioritise audiences targeted through channel
• Prioritise products available through channel